Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Higher profits in times of economic turmoil

In times of economic turmoil, businesses tighten their belts and look to get the most productivity out of the resources they have. Be it people, products, processes, marketing campaigns, or customer service nothing is spared the microscopic lens.

It is good business practice to do so. Companies can maximize profit by maximizing the contribution each resource makes to the bottom-line.

Great! So why do most businesses wait until they are under the gun to do so?

The answer lies somewhere in that fact that in good economic times most every business benefits. Who needs to maximize resources when profits come without taking the extra effort?

The problem with this “strategy” is when the economic tables turn those same businesses are forced to make a change with little time and little experience. Forget trying to compete with competitors, these businesses scramble to stay profitable and stay in business!

Businesses that can take a strategic approach to maximizing their efforts will generally stay at the top of their field regardless of the economic conditions. These companies maximize the return on their efforts and therefore get the best profit possible when times are good or bad.

For those businesses forced to change when the economy takes a nose dive there is a silver lining. If they survive the downturn their newly efficient company will be positioned for higher profits, all the time.

Brian Pickett helps businesses get the most productivity out of their sales, marketing, and client services resources using Strategic CRM Solutions. Houston, TX based for more information visit